
Getting Started (Connecto 2.0)

Direct Integration with Connecto’s API

Integrating connecto’s api can help you in personalising your website or app with notifications based on user’s prior actions. With connecto you can track and analyse user’s behaviour and in turn improve visitors engagement. Connecto tracks user’s events and actions in four ways. These are : Page Call : Trigger to Page call occurs whenever the url changes or user loads any new page. This call can help us in identifying the number of visitors visiting any particular page. Track Call : Trigger […]

Connecto Web Event Tracking and Notifications

Introduction Connecto allows you to personalize your website with notifications based on user’s prior actions. Which means you can actually target the right segments with the right market. For e.g: You can show some discount to a returning user who has not bought before ✔ You can get feedback on the last purchase from a returning user ✔ If a user has tried to take an action multiple times, you can ask him if he needs help ✔ This and a […]

Understanding Basics

Who is a user? Anyone who visits your application or website and engages with it is a user. What are events? Events are the user actions on your application or website. Why should I track events? Tracking user actions on your website gives you important insights about your business and helps you take informed decisions/actions to meet your business goals. By understanding how the users are engaging with your product, you can design an appropriate growth strategy. What kind of […]

Getting Started With Browser Notifications

Instructions on how to get started with HTML5 notifications – online and offline. Includes specific instructions for Chrome Push notifications.

Connecto – Personalization API Specification

This document will provide you the details of each of our APIs.

Getting Started

This document will help you get started with truly personalizing your website or app.