Make offers more visible

Offers work only when promoted right. Best selling products have to be sold best too.

Use Connecto's image banners and sliders on high traffic pages to divert traffic to hot selling and discounted products to drive sales

Target right, use frequency cap and prioritize offers in most profitable order to make the most of your audience

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Offer promotion is a big part of all eCommerce sales

Many a time eCommerce sites gain by selling hot deals at low margins to keep inventory flowing. The key to these sales is scale - websites want to sell large numbers of discounted deals and hence need to promote them. Connecto's banners can be a huge help here becuase they are more visible over the remaining site and offer lot of targeting options to make banners relevant. Typically these banners account for 3-5% more sales as compared to default embedded banners shown to everybody.

Hordes of coupon websites work on commission by referring deals on big websites like Amazon, Flipkart etc. They can prioritize hot deals in a queue using Connecto's prriotiy settings and use frequency cap to make sure users see more possibilites and hence gain more.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Harness Mobile traffic

About 50% of your traffic comes from Mobile Devices

Use Connecto’s mobile specific widgets to generate leads

Request app downloads, promote best offers and score easy conversions on mobile sites

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Mobiles are somewhat more personal than desktops, so users are more engaged when browsing on mobile. Without an effective conversion strategy you could miss some serious business out of highly motivated audiences. We understand small screen size is a challenge and you’ve got to be quick and relevant to hone users’ attention and intent. Connecto recommends:

Using mobile optimised lead bars targeted contextually with relevant message on specific site pages to help users. These should be set to not appear immediately but rather after a comfortable time delay or a optimum scroll.

Tap to call widgets on pages where interested users could benefit by calling your business directly rather reading through page content.

Contextual mobile banners to help people with recommendations of other products they might be interested in depending on their browsing Offers on mobile to make sure your audience knows about the best deals on your site

If you have a mobile app, you might want to request m-site users to download the app from appstore/playstore with interactive mobile specific widgets. All widgets are easy to customise w.r.t. size, color, message, close behavior etc within few clicks.sss

10 Ways To Segment And Smartly Target Your Visitors

Since our widgets (lead forms & notifications) are coupled with a number of targeting variables, hundreds of targeting groups can be made using different combinations and marketing strategy can be designed accordingly.

Geolocation: Knowing Where Your Visitors Are

"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain.

These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.

But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

10 Ways To Segment And Smartly Target Your Visitors

Since our widgets (lead forms & notifications) are coupled with a number of targeting variables, hundreds of targeting groups can be made using different combinations and marketing strategy can be designed accordingly.

Geolocation: Knowing Where Your Visitors Are

"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain.

These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.

But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

Understand your customers

Customer feedback is the best way to guide business strategy

Find right users to collect feedback with Connecto’s targeting and set up feedback widgets at optimal triggers

Find out why your users abandon carts or what they think of your product with interactive surveys

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As a business or a product you might never know how well you’re doing as much as your customers do. Since neither all customers are equal nor is every customer eligible for every question, surveys and feedback questions are often badly or not answered at all. Some of our clients map consumer journeys and place surveys and feedback questions strategically to put up right questions to right users and with right timing. Typically, referral source, device, page url, location, cookies and session details can reveal user interests sufficiently to pose relevant questions to respective user segments. Further, you can get the timing right by using a alchemy of settings like time delay, scroll, exit intent, frequency cap etc to create the most polite ask that guarantees you only quality responses.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Make personalised announcements

A good announcement reaches its target audience at the right hour without making unnecessary chaos

Use Connecto’s announcement specific widgets - Bullhorn, Top/Bottom Bars with targeting

Use Frequency cap with right message and CTA; Test user response using A/B testing

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Announcements are needed time and again to convey new information or changes to specific user groups. Some of our widgets like top bars are more suited to make announcements because these are polite. They are almost impossible to miss and yet don’t obstruct your site’s UX because of its placement and small width. Not that you cannot use flashy banners to announce, in fact many sites do it, but just like sophisticated audiences tend to like polite noticeboards to loudspeakers, your site experience will be better off using subtle bars to spread awareness about things like:

A new test series for a particular course students for an education site

A drop in insurance premium for a particular insurance plan purchased in a specific time window if you’re an insurance website

A newly launched fit test on certain varieties of undergarments for a lingerie business Subscriptions for a newsletter you’re about to begin next month

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Increasing Mobile App downloads

If they have your app, you have their hearts

Find engaged m-users with Connecto’s targeting and pitch them app experience at right time

Take them to appstore/playstore using deep linking. Bring install just a click away to heavy m-site users

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Mobile users are the closest to moving a notch up to app experience, and apps are far more personal than m-sites. Keeping the advantages you get from having users on app aside, it’s much more convenient for users too to use your service if it’s not just a one time thing. The key is to pitch the user when he is having difficulties on the m-site while trying to do something. And if you can target repeat users, even better. We’ve seen several of our eCommerce, education and b2b clients really leverage this to get ahead of competition by reaching users via apps in more personal capacity. An example could be showing a polite bottom bar to a repeat mobile user after he’s browsed 3-4 pages or after a minute into his session.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Reduce Bounce Rate from specific pages

You invest SEO and Marketing dollars to bring them to your site, and 60% users bounce off

Take another shot at exiting visitors with timed exit offers to show them what they’re missing out

Give them a better deal before they go, or recommend other parts of your site which they might like

Offer to reach out to them with personal assistance and solicit their email/phone number

At least get to know why they’re leaving so soon before they do, with exit feedback

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We introduced our timed exit intent feature specifically for this use case. Exit pop-ups are exclusively designed to hold back exiting traffic by showing the most lucrative offer or products your site has, but with timed exit Connecto enables you to target only users who bounce off within the first few seconds, thereby keeping your engaged users from unnecessary oversells. Exit widgets by themselves can do nothing more than stop exits for a second and so the winning part lies in figuring out users’ intent for coming to your site and refuting the cause of exit with a better offer.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Build your email lists

Buying needs mostly build up when users are off your site. If you have their email, you have a shot

Set up different list builder widgets throughout your website with contextual messages to group like minded buyers

Link these real time lists to your email systems and set up email campaigns to interest relevant users at right time

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One of our first customers told us she didn’t want to stop users to make a sale in their first visit but she’d rather bring them back because if they came back they’d have most likely already made their mind to buy something. They invest hugely in email marketing and rightly so - and Connecto helps them to secure as many emails from the site as they can get along with context to target them with specific emails. Again, the best time to solicit emails is when users gain something from the site and hope to gain even more later. So wait until they’re sufficiently engaged using Connecto’s targeting features and approach them right.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Identify engaged audiences

How can you find out users' engagement level using Connecto

Set up time delay before widgets show up to the user while he reads a specific page or the site altogether

Wait before users scroll down to a sure-shot scroll before asking them anything

Repeat users can be nudged after they browse multiple pages

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Just like first time and repeat users have different browsing behavior on almost any site, stray and engaged audiences are completely different beasts too, to be helped differently. For stray users your only goal could be awareness, help them discover your website and wait for them to get engaged. For engaged users however, you want to help them with comparison and eventually satisfy their buying need at a cost. Once you separate out users into stray and engaged ones with Connecto’s targeting features, some of these ideas could come in handy.

For stray users:

Help them discover your site by showing them the best deals

Stopping them before they bounce-off using exit-popups

For engaged users:

Find out what might like and display thoughtful recommendations upon scroll or time delay

Take feedback specific to their use once they’re done browsing your website

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Send leads to your CRM

Keep your lead systems organised and real time with Connecto

Out of the box integrations with all popular CRMs

Easy setting up of Custom/In-house CRMs too

Option to not save data in Connecto

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Once leads start pouring in, significant attention might be consumed in downloading and updating numerous email lists, LMSes and Call logs. Knowing that almost all our customers use the likes of Mailchimp, Salesforce, Highrise, Pipedrive, Zoho etc to manage lead to business cycle we’ve set straightforward integrations to all these systems. Connecto’s widgets can push lead data in customisable format to your CRM in real time so you don’t need to refer to two dashboards or download multiple excel sheets. Just refer to our knowledge base link (-> when you’re at it.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Curb Cart Abandonment

So they’re interested but don’t need it right now

Improve the deal with one time offers and discounts. It works!

Recommend other similar products just before they exit to widen their consideration set

Delve deep into why they abandon

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10 Ways To Segment And Smartly Target Your Visitors

Since our widgets (lead forms & notifications) are coupled with a number of targeting variables, hundreds of targeting groups can be made using different combinations and marketing strategy can be designed accordingly.

Geolocation: Knowing Where Your Visitors Are

"On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain.

These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided.

But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

Customers wanting to sit on the fence for some time before completing purchase is a well known problem. Obvious strategies to close these users include making the deal better and scarce i.e. making one time offers to push them over the fence. Connecto’s exit intent targeting enables you to make these offers exclusively to people who abandon carts, hence saving you some discounts from people who’e ready to buy without them. You get another shot at people who abandon their cart and with a good guess of what they might need to stay and maybe purchase, you stand to win a slipping deal. Alternatively you can just survey leaving users to identify reasons why your products are not selling enough.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Target People coming from Marketing campaigns

Making your customer communication channel specific

Set up exclusive notifications to convert people coming from facebook/adwords campaigns

Differentiate user journeys by channel (email/search/promotions) and optimise their experience respectively

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Getting relevant traffic to the site forms the major chunk of online marketing investment in most businesses. In a sense you lose money every step your customer comes closer to your business. Since each marketing campaign has specific message with a target segment to attract, your website needs to present itself right to a landing user and that’s where Connecto’s referral targeting comes in. You can easily set up exclusive offers with matching messages to people coming from different marketing campaigns or referrals in general. You can also A/B test different messages to landing users and optimise your strategy. Depending on how much you spend on each marketing channel you can make fitting exclusive offers to keep your CAC in control. Also you can set up respective conversion pixels (Adwords/facebook) to corresponding campaigns to keep track of complete conversion statistics.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate

Personalise by Location

If your customers differ by location, so should your pitch

Promote location specific programmes/events to local audiences

Run acquisition offers exclusively in new markets with 99% accuracy

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Location is always a huge lever in expansion strategy. Promotion offers differ hugely between new and mature markets for almost any business. Connecto has industry’s best location targeting to meet your City/State targeting needs.

Reduce Your Visitors Bounce Rate